3 Of The Best Books On Finding Your Passion In Life

3 Of Best Best Books For Finding Your Passion & Purpose In Life. These #inspirational books are great to read for life-changing ideas when you feel stuck or unmotivated in life. They helped me to find purpose and direction when I've felt depressed, confused or anxious about the future. They need to be on everyones reading list for 2020! They're honestly amazing personal development and self help books that are great for your mind and soul. #mindset #books #reading #personaldevelopment #selfhelp #motivation #lifestyle #goals #goalsetting #future #purpose

Finding your passion in life can sometimes feel like the more challenging road to take (and most of the time, it is!). But in saying that, it’s definitely the most rewarding.

All those quotes mean it when they say it’s not the easiest or the straightest path.

And for some of us – that’s exactly what we love about it.

But that doesn’t make it any easier. The purpose & passion path is full of constant self-doubt and worry.

It’s almost the ultimate self-mastery path.

So if you’re still on that road, I congratulate you!

I’m sure you’re not without some bruises, scratches or scars (even if they’re not visible on the outside).

Many times I’ve sat there going – what do I do next. I spent so many years of my career doing things others wanted me to do. Studying the things I thought looked the best.

And through years and years of trying to master the art of working for myself and finding my passion, I’ve realised half the success in any career is in doing something you enjoy. While that doesn’t make finding your passion road easier, it makes it much more bearable.

Maybe you’re driving to work thinking you need more of a purpose. Or perhaps you’re at a point where you’re next idea hasn’t gone as planned, and you are left at square one.

Wherever you are – these books pulled me through when I needed a reminder that passion, work and a good idea are there. And whether you’re there or need something to motivate you to get started. Try these.

So here are some books for when you’re at the career crossroads and need guidance in finding your passion.

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Born for This: How to Find the Work You Were Meant to Do

Born for This was a book I kept coming across during my career. When I first wanted to buy it, it was still in the promo phase, so naturally, it slipped my mind.

But then I saw it in-store and thought it was worth a try. I hadn’t read a book like this before.

I’ve never felt like I had a passion. I was never sure what I enjoyed; part of that was my own inaction.

Born for This talks about how to find what you love to do and make it a living.

It’s not fluffy at all.

In fact, his common-sense views on passion and purpose are refreshing. He’s honest that while the starving artist type may work for a while, the bills need to be paid.

And it also has to be something that we experience flow in. Something we can sit for hours with time passing and not even knows about it.

Many people say life is short, but it doesn’t feel that way when you’re at work watching the clock!

It’s packed full of examples and things to do. Whether you want to move up in the ranks or find a side hustle. It’s all in there.

So if you’re at a point where you realise you want a change but don’t know what you enjoy doing. This is a great place to start.

The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future

If there is any book that can motivate you that any idea is worth a try, it’s The $100 Startup.

It also introduced the word “micro business”, which changed my perspective on working for yourself.

The idea of the “entrepreneur” used to carry a notion of lots of money. But here, Chris gives examples of people that have achieved high incomes and incomes that allow them to be comfortable.

All the way from $50,000 to in the millions.

But that’s just the point. He reminds us that whatever we do, we have to earn enough to be comfortable.

Our purpose or passion doesn’t have to lead to a million-dollar brand to make it worth pursuing.

And the best part of his book is literally FULL of examples of people who achieved this without any special skills or privilege.

He gathered so much data and ensured it was from people who started with nothing. And who created businesses out of problems that they needed to solve themselves.

So it’s also a great way to get into a “what’s not being solved” mindset.

Related to the post finding your passion:

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

This may seem like an odd one to have here, but Angela’s book Grit is definitely one that inspires action.

She reminds us that finding our passion and purpose is not something we see straight away or without hard work.

In Grit, she talks a lot about her own personal journey and that of others.

But the most significant point she makes is that finding your passion is a journey!

She didn’t find her stride until her third career. And now she’s the best-selling author.

It busts the big myth that you should find your passion young. And it also breaks the myth that if we’re passionate about something, we must immediately be good at it!

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So take a chance and choose a book to read to help guide you in finding your passion! Or let us know of one that’s really helped you so we can share it with others. Any book that breaks a barrier and encourages action is one we’d all like to hear about!

3 Of Best Best Books For Finding Your Passion & Purpose In Life. These #inspirational books are great to read for life-changing ideas when you feel stuck or unmotivated in life. They helped me to find purpose and direction when I've felt depressed, confused or anxious about the future. They need to be on everyones reading list for 2020! They're honestly amazing personal development and self help books that are great for your mind and soul. #mindset #books #reading #personaldevelopment #selfhelp #motivation #lifestyle #goals #goalsetting #future #purpose

I'm Giulia Molluso

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