3 Simple, Spiritual Psychology Books For Tough Times


In need of some no nonsense spiritual psychology books? One’s that don’t do the airy fairy. That say 1 point in 50 word sentences.

Yep. Power of Now. Not the one.

I give you a HUGE clap if you read that, and knew what he was talking about.

It’s a hard read. Maybe I’m too lazy? I don’t know. I’m a big Oprah fan. I think she’s amazing. But it was a confusing read. And if you’re looking to start at reading something with a bit of depth. That, for me, was the hardest place to start.

Here are 3, no simple spiritual psychology books for your reading list.

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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

I’ve read a bit of Mark Mansons blog. He’s got a solid sense of humour. Bit of wit and scarcasm. I like it. It’s refreshing.

So when I picked up this bright, orange coloured book (with an entertaining title). I expected nothing less.

And that’s what you get.

But hidden underneath the rebellious title and mind numbing colour, is a definitely a spiritual psychology at it’s best. Just without the fancy lingo.

He writes on topics such as death, life, challenges. He also offers some great, reflective stories.

I like Mark. He’s a no BS kind of guy and that’s what you get with his book.


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When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

Pema is a buddhist nun who writes like a boss.

Her books are easy to understand and relevant.

One of the biggest learnings she talks about is fear. Sitting with fear instead of running away with it.

She also talks a lot accepting the present moment.

Her and Mark share similar points in accepting the situations that are happening to you instead of avoiding them.

She also offers solutions through meditation. And she talks through them also. It’s not just sitting and breathing meditation. She talks about different types of meditation too.

An interesting one I tried was a meditation where you work from strangers & people you might dislike all the way up to your most loved ones. You send each person love as you go. It definitely leaves you feeling a bit more compassionate. And a lot less angry.

So if you’re looking for a serious but easy read – Pema is the way to go!

Her spiritual psychology books have helped me get through some difficult times.

Even if you don’t do the meditation exercises. Her writing leaves you with a lot to think about.


Who Says You Can’t? You Do

The front cover of this book tells you exactly what it’s about.

You and you!

Daniel packs this book with things to do. So if you’re a action list kind of person, you’ll love this.

It has a good mix of practicality and spirituality.

Most chapters include questions to ask yourself and things to do.

But what’s the best about this book is it looks at everything.

Spiritually, mentally and physically.

He goes from your values you have, to the food you eat & the exercises you do.

But through the whole thing his focus is on not just doing things but why you are doing it.

So if you’re looking for a book that gives it all, this is the best one to start with.

You won’t have to look anywhere else.


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Have you found another easy to read spiritual psychology book? Comment below and tell us what your favourite is!



I'm Giulia Molluso

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