30 Self Care Journal Prompts For Self Discovery

Using a #selfcare #journal is a great activity to practice #selflove. These simple self care prompts for women are a great tool for mental health. #journaling #mind #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #mindset #wellness

Whether it’s in the form of a mental question or a self care journal prompts, asking yourself questions is a key part of changing your life. The moment I found questions for myself, in the parts of my life I found the hardest, the more I learnt to change. And permanently change. Not go back to old routines which can be a big road block sometimes.

Finding the questions that suit you and work for you is something that happens over time. For the most part, I’ve found questions and changed them to suit me. And I’ve found that works really well.

So even if some of these don’t feel right for you, change them up. Sometimes you might even find yourself changing them accidentally (which always happens to me) and thinking that’s how the question was initially!

Tony Robbins gives a great speech on the power of questions and how it changes your focus. Questions also forces you to stop and really think. It’s the self awareness the comes out of questions that gives it power to create change.

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The more you ask yourself questions, the more you’ll find yourself asking questions in every area of your life. And that’s where the fun & self discovery really begins.


These 30 self care journal prompts to use in your journalling & personal reflection:

“Are my choices comforting and nourishing my spirit or are they temporary reprieves from vulnerability and difficult emotions ultimately diminishing my spirit?”[ref]

Brown, Brené. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Avery, 2015.[/ref]

“Are my choices leading to my wholeheartedness, or do they leave me feeling empty and searching?”[ref]

Brown, Brené. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Avery, 2015.[/ref]

Am I making my choices out of love or fear?

If I was acting out of love instead of fear, how would my actions be different?

What is a current problem I have & how can I be creative about solving it?

Am I making decisions out of fear or missing out or am I making decisions out of love & respect for my body?

In 3 words, how would I describe the type of person you want to be?

What am I grateful for today?

What are 3 things I love about myself?

What areas of my life am I happiest with & why?

What areas of my life am I happiest with & why?

What is 1 small action I can make today to change that?

What’s one small ritual/routine I can add to my life to change the part of my life I’m least happy with?

3 people I am grateful for in my life are…

If I died today, would I be happy with my life and the type of person am I?

What is my biggest worry at the moment?

Can I control it?

If I can control it, what are 3 small actions I can take to help make it less stressful?

If I can’t, what can I say to myself every time I find myself worrying?

What’s one belief that is holding me back in life?

What can I say instead to replace this belief?

What’s one thing I can do for someone else today to show my appreciate for them?

Whats one thing I can do daily, to stop and give myself a 5 minute break?

If I had no obstacles or fear, what would I do with my life?

What’s 3 small moves I can make to start on that idea/career/purpose that I would do with my life?

Who are the important people in my life?

Am I giving them my full attention and being present when I speak to them?

Do I speak to myself the same way I speak to friends?

What’s one way I can give myself a personal reminder to show myself the same kindness & patience I would show my friends?

What are 3 things I’ve achieved that I’m really proud of?

What did I tell myself when I achieved those things?


Related content:

Which of these self care journal prompts do you think you would use? And how would you change these questions to suit you better?


I'm Giulia Molluso

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