Journalling (like meditation) can be a hard habit to get in to. For me it’s never felt natural to write down how my day was and how I felt about it. Do you have that problem?
I got on to Tim Ferris’, Tools Of Titans (a very different read and worth looking at if you like to see what books and habits people recommend) and I read about his journalling habit. He mentioned 5 Minute Journal – a journal app he uses.
Or maybe you just don’t like the idea of just having a blank page to start with?
Whatever it is. It was good to get my hands on Tims book because I saw that journalling doesn’t have to be just about a blank page and your many thoughts. And to know there was a journal app out there to get me started was good too.
So whether you want to get into journalling, or haven’t found it easy to start, it’s worth looking at a journal app to try the routine again.
Here’s a few to look into.
5 Minute Journal App
The 5 minute journal app is just that – 5 minutes a day and night.
It has set questions that it asks you (the same every day but different ones for day and night).
They started as a hard cover journal and ventured into apps (for IOS & Android). It’s only $6.99 on Android.
Some of the things the app can do (aside from journalling):
- You can take daily photos
- There’s a timeline photo view
- Daily quotes
- Weekly challenges
- Reminders to journal
- Password protection
- Easy back up
- Can turn your entries into PDF
It’s got heaps to it! And I was pretty impressed when I heard about it. The only downside for me was typing it into my phone. Doing that every day was a no go for me. If they had the app on a browser I’d use it 100%!
Day One Journal App
Day One is the most popular journal app.
You can journal any way you want – photos, locations, weather.
It’s a big app with a HUGE amount of features but it’s downside is it’s IOS only.
It has a iPhone app & a Mac App but prices are different. The Mac app costs $40 but the IOS is only $5.
The website lists the review by The Sweet Setup to get more info on the app. Have a look. It’s pretty in-depth and has heaps of photos.
Related posts on wellbeing and productivity:
- 1 Productivity Tip To Completely Change Your Day
- 5 Tips For Setting Motivating Goals
- Best Guided Meditation Apps To Keep You Meditating
- 3 Steps To Control Negative Self Talk
- 4 Things To Do When You’re Ready To Give Up
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Reminisce Journal App
This is the journal app I use. It’s really basic and looks like Notes (the Mac app).
It’s super basic. But I like that. From memory it costs $7 (because it won’t show me now I’ve bought it).
It has similar features to the 5 Minute Journal app.
You can
- Add Tags, Contacts, Location, Emotion and Rating with your entries
- Password protection
I just made my own template of questions I ask myself (I may or may not have “borrowed” the 5 minute journal ones).
But if you want a desktop app (that’s a cheaper than The Day One app) this one’s for you!
I’m still getting used to journalling but having a desktop app and set questions has helped me keep the routine.