3 Books For Soul Searching (Recommended By Oprah!)

3 Life Changing Soul Searching Books. These inspirational books are a must for all reading lists! They are best selling spritual reads recommended by Oprah Winfrey that are complete game changers. Whether you feel lost, need motivation or are suffering with depression or anxiety these are great books. They've helped me to cope with grief and the nagging voice in my mind. They're seriously some of the best personal development and self help books that I've ever come across. Amazing for all women of any age! #books #reading #readinglist #motivation #selfhelp #spiritual #personaldevelopment #mindset #health #wellbeing

There’s nothing like a good old’ I’m fed up with my life crisis to throw us into a tailspin. Sometimes it’s a bad break-up, and other times, it’s the ultimate sadness that comes with losing a loved one. Either way, it throws us on the soul-searching path. This is where books about soul searching have their place.

I reflect on a lot of what I’ve read through the years and found that when something big like the above happens in our lives, it questions our certainty. It reminds us that nothing is certain. It’s the feeling of having a carpet pulled from right underneath you. Before you know it, everything you were standing on changes.

In times like these, we have a choice. We can choose to live in fear or find the lessons and love from these experiences no matter how hard they hard. Ultimately we learn how to soul search our way through our difficulties. Books for soul searching can be a great way to guide us through difficult times or life. They have been my saviour during my brother’s cancer.

So today, why not steal some of the best-recommended books from the queen of how to soul search herself – Oprah!

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3 Books For Soul Searching (Recommended by Oprah!)

The Seat of The Soul by Gary Zukav

books for soul searching

Whenever I think of The Seat of The Soul, I think of when Harry Potter found this wand. Yes… really…?

It came up on Oprah’s list of recommended soul-searching books. Out of all the books I’ve read, this one has to be one of the most profound.

I feel like Seat Of The Soul covers many of the spiritual questions and answers we seek. It tingles every time I read it because it’s like a good meal for your seal!

When you read it, it all starts to make sense if you’re open to accepting it. So out of all the soul-searching self-help books, this is the one I’d recommend to begin with.

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The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

books about soul searching

Another good that is hard to find on the list of books for soul searching is the Untethered Soul. The author Michael A. Singer is an interesting character.

He’s the mix of spirituality meets money which, like Oprah, is not something we come across very often.

He has written a bestseller for soul-searching self-help books. He founded a spiritual place/foundation called the Temple of The Universe, AND he’s also CEO of a billion-dollar company.

I always like the guys that challenge our existing biases. And big money vs spiritual concept is shattered by Michael.

This is a must-read on how to soul search.

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_slYICgPsQc&t=113s” description=”books about soul searching” /]

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

soul searching books

Last but not least on the list of books for soul searching is A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart is a popular guest and author of Oprah.

His book The Power Of Now is listed as number 1 on Oprah’s list of soul-searching books. But to stay completely honest, I found The New Earth a much easier read when to start with than The Power Of Now. I’m yet to go back to it. I wasn’t ready for the lessons yet!

This is Oprah’s description of A New Earth:

Eckhart Tolle believes that we as a people are ready to undergo a profound transformation—to transcend ego in favor of a higher form of consciousness. His work draws on ancient wisdom and his own personal insights to create an entirely new way of experiencing the world and our future. It’s a humanist manifesto that’s become a touchstone for me.


For me, it was a great stepping stone book to other books for soul searching. Oprah has also done podcast series that goes with the entire book (there’s a YouTube video of the first episode below). You can read each chapter and then listen to the podcast afterwards. It’s a great way to read the book and better understand it along the way.

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3 Life Changing Soul Searching Books. These inspirational books are a must for all reading lists! They are best selling spritual reads recommended by Oprah Winfrey that are complete game changers. Whether you feel lost, need motivation or are suffering with depression or anxiety these are great books. They've helped me to cope with grief and the nagging voice in my mind. They're seriously some of the best personal development and self help books that I've ever come across. Amazing for all women of any age! #books #reading #readinglist #motivation #selfhelp #spiritual #personaldevelopment #mindset #health #wellbeing

I'm Giulia Molluso

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