8 Simple Tips On How To Change Your Mindset To Be Positive & Happy
Own your truth
I have found that the times I’ve struggled the most are the times I haven’t spoken my truth. When I’ve been too afraid to say how I feel about something, that is the time when I’ve been the unhappiest or most negative.
If I could only give you one tip on how to change your mindset to be positive and happy it would be this. Own your truth. Give a voice to your most authentic self.
A lot of us have that element of ourselves that we hide out of fear of what our loved ones would say. In reality, when I’ve been most myself is the time where I’ve felt most loved both from myself and others. So if you’re looking out how to change your mindset and attitude in a long-term and powerful way, find the courage to be yourself, to speak your truth and be who you truly want to be.
Create awareness around the patterns in your life that keep putting you in the same place
As Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. To learn how to change your mindset to be positive and happy we need to first see the areas of our lives where we are most unhappy and the habits we have that are keeping us there.
If you feel like you are always stuck in the same relationships then it might be time to ask yourself how you’re contributing to this pattern. Do you allow too much? Do you change too much for the other person? What habits do you keep bringing into each relationship that leaves you with the same result?
Once you create awareness around the patterns in life you allow yourself to change them. You start to see how to change your mindset and attitude by seeing where you’ve held yourself back and why.
Realize that the small decisions create the most change
I used to that that the big decisions in our lives were the most powerful. After listening to a speech by Caroline Myss my whole perspective on this change. In her speech, she talks about how powerful our small, daily decisions are. These are the decisions that make up the direction of our life. When we think about how to change our mindset about life rarely do we take the time to see how we’re living day today. We look at the big picture.
However, day to day is when we face those small opportunities to either listen to our inner voice or not. Here is where we develop our power.
When thinking about how to change your mindset to be positive and happy, look at all the small decisions that you make daily. Are the decisions that honor and nourish your mind body and soul? If not, how can you change them? How can you make small decisions day by day to honor your voice and create a happy and successful mindset?
Take responsibility for your life
A HUGE learning curve for me was when I realized it was nobody else’s job to save me but my own. If we don’t take responsibility for our own decisions then we will struggle to learn how to change your mindset to be positive and happy because we will always depend or blame or something or someone else. We never seek to find the answers internally because we are focusing all our energy externally.
When we take responsibility for how to change our mindset and attitude, we move our focus from externally back to internally. We see the power our decisions have, we learn to change the habits that keep us in the same place and we find the courage to speak our truth. This leads to making happier, more aligned decisions for ourselves that create a better mindset and life.
Create a list of values for yourself
Our values are the foundation of our lives. When I started to dig deep and see what beliefs I had that led me to my current life situation I realized where I needed to change. I was also able to create better beliefs and therefore take more empowering action in my life.
Creating a list of values for yourself is another path to changing your mindset to be positive and happy. When we have a set of values, they become guiding posts for our decisions. Our actions and our mindsets become more aligned as our decisions become more empowering.
For example, a key belief for me is something I learned from Brene Brown. Her motto “courage over comfort” has life-changing. It is a belief I have printed on my study wall. It reminds me every time I start to feel scared or procrastinate that I’m choosing comfort over courage. It creates an awareness that helps me reflect and remind myself that I need to step into the courage to change my life.
Beliefs are how we can make lasting changes to our mindset and attitude.
Ask yourself better questions
Another important idea I learned when trying to figure out how to change my mindset to be positive and happy was to ask myself better questions. Both Tony Robbins and Jim Rohn
are great personal development speakers that talk about the power of our questions.
Recently, I was listening to Jim Rohn talk about goals. He said the question with goals isn’t “what it’s going to get me” but “who am I going to become”. This is a prime example of how asking empowering questions can help us to change our mindset to be more successful, empowered and aligned in our lives.
By asking ourselves better questions, we offer better answers that help to shift our mindset to become happier and more positive.
Fill your mind with good things
Our life is also designed partially by our environment. What we choose to listen to, watch and read affects how we think about ourselves and our lives. I was reading The Power Of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and he spoke about taking more responsibility for what we put into our minds. This resonated deeply with me.
Every day we get a choice on what we’re going to absorb and what we’re going to spend our energy on. Listening to personal development programs and reading more has helped me to fill my mind with encouragement and positive thoughts. This is how I have changed my mindset to be positive and happy.
What do you spend most of your time reading or watching? How does this affect your mindset? Trying changing the things you read and watch to create a more empowering environment for yourself. By feeding our minds with positive, uplifting and inspiring content we are figuring out how to change our mindsets and our attitudes.
Related content: 3 Personal Development Courses That Can Change Your Life
Change Your State
Tony Robbins work has been amazing for changing my mindset. Reading his work has helped me to be more positive and happy! Another key idea of his that has helped me immensely is to change your mindset you need to change your state. This is done by:
- Exercising
- Practicing power postures
- Changing your posture
When I wake up in the morning and start working, I feel less motivated when I slumped over. My body language is communicating to my body that I feel tired and I don’t want to be there. The minute I change my body language my mindset changes too.
When you feel unmotivated try changing your posture or getting up and doing an exercise. This helps to change your state which then helps you to change your mindset. Different postures and exercises can help you to feel empowered and successful.
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