How To Get Motivated When Feeling Overwhelmed

How To Get Motivated In #Life When Feeling Overwhelmed. Whether you're trying to find #motivation to study, to clean, to lose weight to workout or when your depressed these #tips can help! These are 5 simple things I found really helpful in finding motivation to get going again when I felt like I was drowning in to-dos and feel like you've lost all perspective. It's also a great way to stop letting our thoughts of self doubt run our lives! #mindset #selfcare #productivity #healthylifestyle #mentalhealth

If I had to think back to all the times I HAVEN’T taken action because I’m feeling overwhelmed with work or feeling overwhelmed with life… well I don’t want to because I’d be overwhelmed ?

But on a serious note – feeling overwhelmed can be a serious buzz kill. When we feel like we’re drowning in our list of to do’s it’s normal to be stuck feeling overwhelmed and trying to figure out how to get motivated.

Todays vlog is all about how to get motivated when feeling overwhelmed. These are tips that apply whether you’re asking how to get motivated to work, how to get motivated to study or how to get motivated when depressed.

This is advice that has helped me get off the couch and get motivated when I’m feeling overwhelmed by life.

I’ve attached a transcript below of the video too if you’d prefer to read my favourite and most helpful tips on how to get motivated and stop feeling overwhelmed.


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How To Stay Motivated When Feeling Overwhelmed


Hey guys, welcome to Searching for Better. So today’s video, I really, really wanted to talk about how to stay motivated, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed. I think that that’s just such a big topic, because I feel like so many people give up just because they don’t know where to start, or they just have a list of so many things to do that before you get started, you’re already tired. So yeah, today’s video is all about how to stay motivated especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed.


Find YOUR type of meditation that works for YOU

Now let’s be honest, everybody has times where they’re going through a bit of a funk, like they don’t know where to start, or they don’t know how to start, or like I said before, they just have so much on their list that they don’t know how to get started. So the first thing I always recommend is if you’re not feeling motivated and you’re feeling super overwhelmed is to find some sort of meditation that works for you.

And I think, too, with meditation, people think that you just have to sort of sit there and zen, and I don’t think that’s the case. I think meditation is whatever quiets your mind for you. It’s a very private practice, and I think whatever you find that works for you is your type of meditation.

I used to really stress about meditation because I used to read, “you can’t do this, you can’t be sitting, you can’t be lying down, you shouldn’t be doing this,” you know, all these different rules, and when I finally just sort of let them go and did what suited me, I found that that’s kind of what works for me best.

So, my first step in any sort of thing when you’re trying to get motivated and stop feeling so overwhelmed is to find a meditation that works for you, whether that’s hiking, whether that’s walking, whether that’s running, whether it is just sitting there and counting your breaths, or whatever works. It’s all about what helps you and what helps quiet your mind. So first step, find something to help you meditate and clear your mind.


Related content: Struggling With Meditation? 4 Must Have Meditation Tips


Choose the top 5 things you should be doing to get where you want to go

Tip number two for how to stay motivated and stop feeling so overwhelmed is to make sure you choose the top five things you should be doing to get where you want to go.

This is actually a tip that I found in a book by Brendon Burchard called High Performance Habits. It’s a really, really good read and I loved it because I was so sick of reading things about habits about getting up at five a.m., working out all the time. I wanted something that was a bit more deep and meaningful, and his book definitely hits the nail on the head. So I really recommend it if you want a book that actually talks about mental habits, and yeah, it’s definitely different, it’s not like anything out there. High Performance Habits, another great read to get on, especially if you’re not feeling motivated and you’re feeling overwhelmed.

But back to it. So he recommends finding the top five things that you should be doing– that’s it. Top five things, simplifying it to a list. I know that when I did that for blogging, it worked out so well. I focused on just five things that I had to do every day, or that you focus on for the week, and that just worked out so easily for me because otherwise, we just put all this stuff down, and to be honest, not all of it works, and not all of it needs to be done.

When we figure out what we have to drop and focus on the five things, you’re already motivated because your list is shorter, and you know what you have to focus on. So that’s definitely the next best tip I’ve got on how to stay motivated, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed.


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Stick to the 80/20 rule

Another really great tip that I got on how to stay motivated if you’re feeling overwhelmed is also by High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard, and that is to make sure that you stick to the 80/20 rule, so 80% of what you’re doing should be on that top five list.

Anything that you’re doing, most of your time should be getting through whatever we spoke about in the previous step, your top five steps to get where you want to be, and that the rest of the 20% would be things that you know you have to do, but they take up a lot of time and they often mean that we end up procrastinating, like checking emails, or checking your Facebook page, or checking your business Instagram, or your other Instagram, depends on how distracted you get. So that’s definitely the 20%.

That’s another really, really great strategy that I’ve found really useful when it comes to staying motivated and helping myself feel less overwhelmed. It’s really important, the 80/20 rule, because it teaches us to stick to the things that really produce results for us, and not just to waste time on the 20% that make us feel productive, like getting through our inbox and clearing it out.


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Remember we’re all on your own journey – our only competition is ourselves

Tip number four is definitely more of a mental tip, but one of the best things to help me get through when I haven’t felt motivated and I’ve felt overwhelmed, and especially when I’ve done one of those scrolls on Instagram, seeing how successful some people are doing and how well they’re doing and then you start to feel a little behind, if that’s definitely a situation for you, then one of the things that I constantly remind myself is that we’re all on our own path.

It doesn’t matter where you are in life, that’s where you’re supposed to be, and it doesn’t matter where you start or when you start, it’s your own journey. The only person that you’re in competition with is yourself, and that’s really something that’s hard to remember these days, especially with everything that we see on Instagram and Facebook and all this stuff talking about quick successes.

I definitely think that we have to focus more on what we’re doing as people, and I think focusing on ourselves and stop focusing on where everyone else is and just focus on how we’re going. The best thing that we can do for ourselves is allow ourselves to move at our own pace, so that’s definitely the top four tips that I would recommend on how to stay motivated and stop feeling so overwhelmed with everything that we’re doing.


Give yourself a rest without feeling guilty

And bonus tip number five because I just thought about it, sometimes when you’re feeling super unmotivated and really overwhelmed, it also means that it’s time for a rest.

I’ve found the days that I stop means the next day I work better, so don’t hesitate to give yourself a break, to have a day where you just sit and do nothing and binge on Netflix, or whatever it is that you like to do, but don’t feel guilty and don’t feel bad about giving yourself the space to actually feel motivated again, and to actually give yourself a bit of time to rest, because you’ll make up for it the next day.

There is nothing that can replace the rest that you can get and the way it makes you feel the next day. Sometimes, it doesn’t help to just keep going, it makes it worse. So definitely make sure, for tip number five, that if you are feeling unmotivated and super overwhelmed that you’re actually getting enough rest in as well, because it’s really hard to just stop and remind ourselves sometimes that we need to take a rest, but it’s definitely one of the most important things as well to make sure, if we want to get motivated and stop feeling overwhelmed.


Related content: Self Care Sunday Date – How To Reset For The Week Ahead


So I hope you liked my first video, and I really, really hope that you like the tips because they’re things that have really, genuinely helped me as I’ve gone along. Now if you like these tips, I also have a free resource library that you can jump on on my website, all you have to do, you sign up below and you can get access. So make sure to sign up to see all the free goodies that we have waiting for you at the free resource library.


How To Get Motivated In #Life When Feeling Overwhelmed. Whether you're trying to find #motivation to study, to clean, to lose weight to workout or when your depressed these #tips can help! These are 5 simple things I found really helpful in finding motivation to get going again when I felt like I was drowning in to-dos and feel like you've lost all perspective. It's also a great way to stop letting our thoughts of self doubt run our lives! #mindset #selfcare #productivity #healthylifestyle #mentalhealth



I'm Giulia Molluso

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