Good old self-love! I have learned that learning how to love yourself more is a continuous journey. While I’m no master at it, the past few years (you can hear about my journey here) have taught me the ideas I’m bringing to you today on how to love yourself more.
These are not grand ideas, but subtle ones. I have found that when learning how to love yourself more it’s the small, daily decisions that we need to focus on. When we focus on small, empowering choices, we give ourselves the opportunity to create a big change in our lives.
My best tips on how to love yourself more
1. Speak your truth
One thing I’ve learned when it comes to how to love yourself more is speaking your truth is the most important. When we’re too afraid to speak our truth we often end up in situations we don’t want to be in, saying yes when we don’t want to and slowly eroding our self-worth.
When we don’t allow ourselves to speak our truth we are putting ourselves in a state of disapproval and shame.
How can you speak your truth? By simply following through the list hear and communicating your wants and needs with respect.
2. Set boundaries with people (even the people you love!)
Out of all my best tips on how to love yourself more, this has one is the most challenging but yet the most needed. Setting boundaries with people, especially the people we love, is a way to speak our truth. It’s a way to say no. It’s a way to say to yourself and others, that there are only certain behaviors we are willing to allow.
Setting boundaries has been such a life changer for me that I wrote a whole post on it. If you feel there are relationships where you’re constantly stuck in a circle of stress and you feel you’re not being respected, I would highly recommend reading this post or listening to the podcast.
Related content: How To Set Boundaries With Toxic Family Members
3. Respect your passions and work
This lesson is one I only learned recently. I wrote about it in this post and discussed how my limiting belief about my passions and my work was keeping me stuck.
Learning how to love yourself is also about learning to love all the parts of you – including your passions and your work. It’s easy to be influenced by our family’s expectations or society’s expectations of what we should be doing and how we should be doing it. It’s really common to feel stuck between doing what you consider your passion or your lives work versus what other people want or need you to do.
It’s important in these situations to realize that you need to respect your passions and your work for other people too. I often remind myself that I can only take from others what I allow from myself. If we don’t respect our work and our passions how can we expect others too? How can we expect others to realize our value, if we can’t see it ourselves?
If you have a passion or work that is important to you, then that gives it value by default, regardless of others’ opinions. Respecting your work and your passions is another way to learn how to love yourself more.
Related content: 3 Of The Best Books On Finding Your Passion In Life
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4. Nourish your mind
Another important idea on how to love yourself more is to nourish your mind! We do so much during the day. Our lives are often busy and full of to do’s. It’s important to stop and appreciate all that our mind does for us and nourish it from time to time.
Giving yourself time and space to meditate, journal or read are just a few ways you can learn to love yourself more.
If there’s something else you find nourishing such as painting or another creative activity then fit it in! Make sure that you nourish your mind and treat this time as a priority.
Related content: 9 Of The Best Books To Help You Love Yourself More
5. Nourish your body
Like our minds, our bodies also do so much for us. Without feet or hands, we would struggle to do daily things as easily as we do now. I often have to remind myself to stop and appreciate all that my body does and just how much I put it through.
Physical exercise and nutrition are key ways to nourish your body. But don’t be fooled! That doesn’t mean you have to do things you hate. I finally started to create a routine when I started to look at nourishing my body from a different perspective. I found exercise that I loved doing (this is the app that I use) and started eating foods that were good for me that I loved too!
When deciding how to nourish your body remember that it’s YOUR body! Do what you love to do regardless of what science or anything else might say. I know for me I got stuck in the run vs weightlifting debate forever until I realized that as long as I was doing the exercise it was ok!
Empower yourself by choosing ways to nourish your body that you love!
Related content: How To Create A Routine & Stick To It
6. Nourish your soul
The final piece of the puzzle on how to love yourself more is to commit to following through with the actions above. We nourish our soul by:
- Nourishing our minds and our body
- Doing work that we love and following the call of our passions
- Speaking our truth
- Setting boundaries and healthily saying no!
Every small decision we make to listen to ourselves by doing these list of things, we nourish our soul which leads to greater alignment and content!