Essential oils are the answer to many, many problems in life! Just the other day I learnt that not only is lavender oil THE answer to deep, relaxing sleep but is also antibacterial. In fact, it’s one of the top 4 antibacterial essential oils[ref][/ref]. There’s heaps of oils to choose from but the question is how to use essential oils for sleep. Sure we can find the ultimate list of essential oils for deep sleep but what are the best ways to use them?
In this post we’re going through how to use essential oils to sleep and catch some serious Z’s.
How To Use Essential Oils For Sleep
The most popular way to use essential oils for deep sleep is a diffuser. What is a diffuser?
A diffuser is a device that disperses essential oils in the air so that their aroma fills the air/room[ref][/ref]
There are countless essential oils for sleep diffusers. My favorite part is that you can mix scents up. Pinterest is FULL of good essential oil blends to help you create an inviting space before bed.
My only note with essential oils for sleep diffuser is that they can hold the smell of the oil you use the most and I’ve found mine to be a bit irritating to have while I’m falling asleep (I use an Ultrasonic Diffuser – see below for my link to the post that explains the different types of diffusers). They can make a bit of sound depending on the type of diffuser you use.
But if you’re happy to use the diffuser before bed as oppose to while you’re falling asleep it’s a great way to prep you room to use essential oils for deep sleep.
I found a great post by Wellness Mama that explains the different types of diffusers and what’s best and why. You can find that HERE.
Tea Light Oil Diffuser
Even thought his is kept under the diffuser category I feel like when it comes to how to use essential oils for sleep a tea light diffuser deserves its on spot.
The tea light diffuser utilizes a candle and water to help break down the essential oil and create an aroma. So not only do you have a great way to use essential oils for deep sleep but it also doubles as a relaxation tool. Who doesn’t feel instantly relaxed when they see a candle!?
This is also a great product for beginners. So if you’re looking to learn how to use essential oils for sleep but you’re on a budget (the electronic diffusers can add up) this is definitely the best way to go!
Essential Oil Roll On
Another cheapie but a good idea for how to use essential oils for sleep is an essential oils roll on! Since my electronic diffuser is a bit noisy I use a lavender roll on before bed.
Out of all the essential oils for deep sleep, lavender has been the most game changing for me. I also love the roll on because they’re budget friendly and easy to use.
A quick note. I used to use the essential oils directly from the bottle on to my skin. A warning if you do this – without a carrier oil it can cause irritation on your skin.
Another bonus with using a roll on with essential oils for deep sleep is you can find great blends!
Nower days there’s really helpful essential oil blends for anxiety and panic attacks that also double as essential oils for deep sleep.
This is another great idea for beginners because you don’t need to invest in multiple oils and figure how to use essential oils for sleep. Instead you can roll in and roll into bed (see what I did there **laughing emoji**).
If you don’t like the feel of roll on but still want to find how to use essential oils for sleep, a sleep spray is another idea.
You can buy a sleep spray to put on your pillow or to spray on yourself. Either way it’s another way to use essential oils for deep sleep without having to invest in many different essential oils or buying diffuser.
This is a great way to test new aromas too.
I’ve left the choice of incense for last. I have to admit I LOVE incense because they throw serious spiritual vibes. But, they do give off smoke as they burn meaning it’s probably not the best for a small-medium sized space like a bedroom. You can always use incense during the day because the scent will hold. This way by the time you head to bed, the smoke is well gone.
But incense is a great way to burn similar aromas to essential oils during the day in an open space. Compared to essential oils for deep sleep, incense come in packs of 20. That’s nearly a month’s worth for roughly $2 a packet!
So while this isn’t the best answer to how to use essential oils to sleep, it’s definitely a great way to prep the bedroom with essential oil like smells. I.E. I burn a lavender incense in my open living space some nights when I feel like using some quick.