Who doesn’t love free stuff (yaasss!). We’re spoilt for choice with the internet being so fancy now. There are so many amazing free printables & paid tools for personal development.
Today, though, for all those on a budget (I feel ya), this post is about some amazing free printables that I’ve found along the way. There’s some great blogs and websites out there that offer great free planners, meditations and worksheets for any personal development topic!
Mastering Your Mean Girl
Toolkit – Melissa Ambrosini
When I first heard the name Mastering Your Mean Girl I was a little bit confused. I didn’t actually realise the mean girl was another word for the negative voice we all have!
Melissa’s book Mastering Your Mean Girl is an action filled book that’s a bit different to the usual. It’s great if you’re looking for a step by step process.
But she also has an amazing FREE tool kit on her website.
What’s included in her free toolkit:
- Self-Love Permission Slip
- Self-Love Contract
- Worthiness Meditation
- Manifestation Meditation
- Protection Meditation
- Self-Love Menu
- Soul Shares
- Authenticity Contract
- Best Self Checklist
- Bursting With Love Checklist
- Internal GPS Checklist
- Letter To Your Future Self
- Live In The Moment Contract
- Living From Love Checklist
Yepppp. Heaps! This pack is a great one. It has great self compassion & self love tools. And I love that it has different things like a contract, checklist, meditations. There’s something for everyone – no matter how you like to learn!
You can find here free tool kit on her website HERE.
Related content:Â 3 Steps To Control Negative Self Talk
High Performance Habits – Brendon Burchard
I’ve mentioned Brendon Burchard in a few of my other posts. The 6 Most Important Habits Of Successful People Series is based on his book High Performance Habits. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read on habits.
But the best bit is, it comes with all these FREE printables & worksheets to keep up the habits in his book. This is a hidden part of his website too that you only find out a bit easily through his book. So win for you!!
His free printables include:
- The Clarity Chart
- Performance Prompts
- Influence Model
Each free printable explains what it’s for and why. Brendon found these habits through years of researching high performing people. So it’s definitely habits that are worth keeping!
The clarity chart is something I use personally. It has great end of week or end of month review questions.
The performance prompts are questions to get you thinking about how to take action on the 6 big habits he talks about int his book.
Finally, the influence model is a complete explanation of how to develop influence in a positive way. It’s more a cheat sheet of how to create more influence in your life.
You can find all of Brendons free goodies on his website HERE.
Related content:Â Goal Setting Worksheets To Get It Together for 2018
SelfCompassion.org – Dr. Kristin Neff
I found this website in Brene Browns book Daring Greatly.
Seriously. I went on it and was like wow! The quality of these free printables & content is AMAZING!
If you’re trying to make serious, consistent changes in your life, self compassion is one of the best ways to get started. I only learnt how to create real, lasting change when I learnt how to be nicer to myself. And being nicer doesn’t mean excepting your excuses. It means being able to look past them and what’s really bothering me and learning to be okay with that.
For example, instead of berating myself when I procrastinate, I ask myself what am I scared of? What’s bothering me? How can I move past it? And I also remind myself it’s okay to be scared. That starting by taking small, actions (& sh*tting my pants at the same time) is completely OK.
This website is by Dr. Kristin Neff. She is a researcher that focuses on self compassion and has created some amazing paid tools too including her book Self Compassion and her 8 week program Mindful Self Compassion.
So, what free printables & other content does she have on her website:
She has a 8 step exercise for self compassion:
- Exercise 1: How Would You Treat A Friend?
- Exercise 2: Self Compassion Break
- Exercise 3: Exploring Self Compassion Through Writing
- Exercise 4: The criticizer, the criticized and the compassionate observer
- Exercise 5: Changing Your Critical Self Talk
- Exercise 6: Self Compassion Journal
- Exercise 7: Identifying What You Really Want
- Exercise 8: Taking Care Of The Care Giver
She also offers free guided meditations:
- Affectionate Breathing [21 minutes]
- Compassionate Body Scan [24 minutes]
- Loving-Kindness Meditation [20 minutes]
- Self-Compassion/Loving-Kindness Meditation [20 minutes]
- Noting Your Emotions [18 minutes]
- Soften, soothe, allow:  Working with emotions in the body [15 minutes]
- Self-Compassion Break [5 minutes]
You can find all Dr. Kirstins amazing resources on her website HERE.
Related content:
- Best Guided Meditation Apps To Keep You Meditating!
- 5 Steps To Letting Go Of Control
- 5 Simple, Self Confidence Building Tips
The Life Organizer – Jennifer Louden
This is another resource I found in Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.
Jennifer Louden is the author of The Life Organizer. Her book is all about intentional living. The description on Amazon is:
The Life Organizer
aims to help you shift your focus, augmenting traditional goal setting with the ease that comes from steady inner listening and mindfulness. It will become your trusted companion — and maybe the most important book you’ll ever own.
But, the free tools are also great!
She has 4 resources:
- A Life Organizer Day Planner
- Self Care Audio
- A free sample of her Satisfaction Finder (“The Satisfaction Finder is my digital kit that helps you decide what is enough in daily, practical ways is famous for helping people get out of – and stay out of – overwhelm and vicious comparison. This is a little very useful taste you can use right away.” – https://jenniferlouden.com/lifeorganizer/)
- Getting Your Creative Sh*t Done Webinar – a recording of her talking about how she gets through fear during her creative process
These are great free printables & tools to create more intentional way of living. And to really think about how your living your life and how you’re spending your days.
Related content:Â 30 Journal Prompts For Self Discovery