Radiate Self Love: 14 Self Care Journals To Transform Your Mental Health

Radiate #selflove: 14 #selfcare #Journals To Transform Your Mental Health. If you're stuck for a self care routine, trying a self care #journal is a great idea! These journals are a must for the busy #bossbabe or #momboss that struggles to find time to fit in time for themselves. These journals give you so many ideas and journal prompts to work with! They're amazing for your mental health and #wellness. #mind #mindset #healthy #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #journaling


Self care! So easy to talk about, not so easy to do. All we want to do is sit down and have a rest, but when we have the time it’s almost like it becomes scary. When we’re caught in the rush of life, stopping can confronting. So we Netflix and binge, call friends or do anything to keep moving because when it’s quiet… (cricket sounds) none of us know quite what to do with ourselves. Cue in the self care journals!

Self care journals are a great way to add some self care in your day with a lil’ direction. Self care journaling requires little to no thinking (most have self care journals have prompts/questions to answer). It can take as long as you want and you can do it where ever you want! I’ve made it even easier for you by collecting the best rated and most loved self care journals out there.

This list of self help journals is a simple way to get started on your self care journaling journey.





Practice You: A Journal
self care journals

Present, Not Perfect: A Journal for Slowing Down, Letting Go, and Loving Who You Are

self care journaling

Change From Within: A Journal Of Exercises And Meditations To Transform, Empower & Reconnect

self care journal ideas

The Mindfulness Journal: Daily Practices, Writing Prompts, and Reflections For Living In The Present Moment

self care journal prompts

Year Of Yes Journal

self help journal

Start Where You Are: A Journal For Self Exploration

52 Lists For Happiness

The 52 Lists Project: A Year Of Weekly Journal Inspiration

Good Days Start With Gratitude: A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude

The Mindful Life Journal

Happy The Journal

One Question A Day

Do One Thing Everday That Centres You

The Wellbeing Journal


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Radiate #selflove: 14 #selfcare #Journals To Transform Your Mental Health. If you're stuck for a self care routine, trying a self care #journal is a great idea! These journals are a must for the busy #bossbabe or #momboss that struggles to find time to fit in time for themselves. These journals give you so many ideas and journal prompts to work with! They're amazing for your mental health and #wellness. #mind #mindset #healthy #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #journaling



I'm Giulia Molluso

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