5 Self Improvement Books For Difficult Times

5 Personal Development Self Help Books For Difficult Times. These spiritual reads are great for teens, for moms and for men during life changing and difficult times. They will help you work through things like anger as well as motivate you to move forward. They’re some of the best personal development books to guide you and help you to find happiness and peace during times of uncertainty.

The world truly feels scary right now! With the coronavirus happening, cafes, stores and places of business closing down, countries going into lockdown, it’s so hard not to feel anxious and stressed out all the time. Today’s post is dedicated to 5 of the best self improvement books that I have found helpful during times of great difficulty and uncertainty. These personal development books are specifically for tough times in life. 

If you’re a big fan of personal development and self help books, you will find these reads help to calm you and put your mind into a different perspective. In particular, the first of the personal development books is a great read to find courage, motivation and meaning during a time when the world feels anything but!

So here we go!

5 Of The Best Self improvement Books For Difficult Times


1. A Man’s Search For Meaning – Viktor Frank

Viktor Frank’s book is an inspirational classic of the self improvement books world! This book discusses his personal journey through a concentration camp and infuses it with his psychiatric background. It’s a personal development read that will help you find meaning in life no matter the circumstances. Frankl also shows how our mindset is the most important thing we have and how no outer circumstances can change that.

2. When Things Fall Apart – Pema Chodron

Pema Chodron is what I consider a buddhist lady boss! Her work is a mix of compassion and no-bs advice about how to handle difficult times. Both her self improvement books offer sound advice on how to continue during any tough situation you may be going through.


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3. The Places That Scare You – Pema Chodron


4. Embracing Uncertainty – Susan Jeffers

Susan Jeffers is another self improvement writer I have come to rely on during times of distress. As a psychologist, she brings an interesting yet spiritual touch to her work. Her self improvement books are full of actionable tasks that you can take to help you decrease stress and anxiety. I would highly recommend her books for great activities you can do indoors during the COVID-19 virus.


5. End The Struggle & Dance With Life – Susan Jeffers


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5 Personal Development Self Help Books For Difficult Times. These spiritual reads are great for teens, for moms and for men during life changing and difficult times. They will help you work through things like anger as well as motivate you to move forward. They’re some of the best personal development books to guide you and help you to find happiness and peace during times of uncertainty.


I'm Giulia Molluso

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