Vision boards are a great way to put out to the universe your goals and dreams for your life. There’s a lot of scepticism about creating a vision board but personally they have always worked for me. The only thing I’ve found is that it takes time (as any goal does!). Some of my vision board images have taken up to two years to happen (you can read more about that here). One thing I have learnt about vision board images is how important it is to make sure you pick the right images. Because if you don’t, you can get what you think you wanted instead.
Let me explain…
There are so many vision board examples with all different images that choosing the right images can be overwhelming and confusing.
So here’s some things I’ve learnt on how to pick the right vision board images for you!
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Before choosing your vision board images think about what you really want
I made a vision board 3 years ago that came true (you can read about there here). Truth be told, even though everything happened, I was miserable.
I spent too much time thinking about material wants instead of my whys.
Don’t forget to think of your why behind your goals. A lot of vision board examples have images pasted all over the place. But if you really want your board to work, then it’s best to think of WHY you want what you want. Then choose images based around that.
What feelings are you trying to achieve with these goals? Are these the right goals to achieve those feelings?
For example, I spent many years dreaming of living overseas. I had vision board images of a family eating all together in Italy. I had a photo of my aunties balcony in Italy.
Two years later, and I was travelling there to stay while my brother looked for cancer treatment. I got what I wanted didn’t I? I put up the images and there I was eating all together with my family and staying at my aunties house with the balcony. But that was experience was one of the most challenging in my life.
I realised that living in Italy wasn’t what I wanted. I loved my family back home. I missed them and I learnt that I really valued their company and support.
What I really wanted was freedom to work and spend my time as I wanted. This is what blogging has done for me. Had I thought about the WHY behind moving, then maybe my vision board images would have been different.
So what’s your why?
Related content on vision boards and goals:
Creating A Vision Board 2018 (With Free Vision Board Template + Printables)
4 Easy Ways To Make A Digital Vision Board + Free Printable Quotes!
2 Free Goal Setting Printables To Get It Together for 2018
Choose vision board images that are super specific
Once you have thought about your why, choosing specific images for your vision board is the easy part!
If you want to start a blog, choose a photo of someone working behind a computer smiling.
An image of a computer isn’t enough. When you’re creating a vision board you want it to represent how you want to FEEL too not just the external benefits of your goals.
My favourite places to find vision board images to create my vision board are:
Pinterest (also a great place to find vision board ideas!)
This might seem like simple advice but honestly it’s been the most game changing learning experience for me when it comes to creating a vision board. Your vision board IS your vision board images. At the end of the day every goal is a feeling that we’re trying to get to. If we don’t include that into our vision boards we end up like I did, miserable, even though it came true!!